Warhol's LA: with Gary Needham and guests, live from Nottingham Contemporary, 6pm GMT
Gary Needham (Nottingham Trent University), James Boaden (University of York) and Lucy Bradnock (University of Nottingham) present the story of Warhol?s LA via his attraction to its culture and his interest in manufactured fame, through his connection with the Ferus Gallery, to the Velvet Underground?s disastrous 1966 West Coast tour.

Zacheta - Narodowa Galeria Sztuki. pl. Malachowskiego 3. Poland

Houses As Silver As Tents

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An intelligently curated exhibition compares the perspective of Roma artists with depictions by outsiders. Review by Tomasz Jedrowski

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Gladstone Gallery, 530 West 21st Street, New York, NY 10011

Cyprien Gaillard: ‘Today Diggers, Tomorrow Dickens’

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For this ambitious and complex presentation - Today Diggers, Tomorrow Dickens - Gaillard has created two complementary bodies of sculptural works that explore notions of regeneration, ruination, and decay, turning his eye to the relationship between evolu

Further reading +

Jerwood Visual Arts, Jerwood Space, 171 Union St, London SE1 0LN

Family Politics


'Whether a family is happy or unhappy, the visual archive it creates for and of itself - that fiction we know as the photograph album - will always attempt to foreground the former and disguise the latter.' Review by Beverley Knowles

Further reading +

Soloway, 328 South 4th Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11211

Hasley Rodman: Cave System or Ear Canal

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Rodman's work proposes a consensual and liberating encounter with objects by rendering apparent the radical instability of their forms. He asks, If every entity is in a state of continuous change, how can an entity ever, like the meaning of a phrase, arri

Further reading +

Metro Pictures, 519 West 24th Street New York NY

Isaac Julien: PLAYTIME

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'Using the clean, attractive cinematography of an exercise in corporate branding, Julien peers into formulas and arrangements that we always knew to exist.' Review by Michael Pepi

Further reading +

David Roberts Art Foundation, 37 Camden High St, London NW1 7JE

Orpheus Twice

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'The story of Orpheus and Eurydice reminds us how suddenly that which we hold dear can vanish; it reminds us that, in an instant, a single error can carve a great wound in our lives that will never heal.' Review by Daniel Barnes

Further reading +

The Theory of Zappa, with Paul Carr, live from Nottingham Contemporary 6:30pm GMTThis event introduces Frank Zappa?s theories of time, space, narrative and the artwork, and unpacks their relationship to Geoffrey Farmer?s sculpture play Lets Make the Water Turn BlackPaul Carr, editor of Frank Zappa and the And (2013) is joined by Professor of Theatre and Media Drama Richard Hand, and musician and researcher Richard Hemmings.

Rod Barton, One Paget Street, London, EC1 7PA

Ethan Cook: Lobstee

EC2013 Untitled, 90x120 01

Comprised solely of two artworks, Untitled (2013) and 100 planks (tongue and groove), the exhibition is reductive and acute, as its title Lobstee - named after a one-word poem by minimalist poet Aram Saroyan - suggests.

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