Viewing articles tagged with 'Coventry'

Mead Gallery, Warwick Arts Centre, Gibbet Hill Rd, Coventry CV4 7AL

Clare Woods: Reality Dimmed

Installation view, Clare Woods: Reality Dimmed

The internet and advertising provide us with a constant barrage of images. In the face of this mass it can be hard to find meaning. Clare Woods' current exhibition at Mead Gallery is a direct refusal of this position. She presents only a handful of works to allow us a clarity of vision which is incredibly refreshing. Review by Ryan Hughes

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Various locations, Coventry

Coventry Biennial of Contemporary Art

Bermuda Collective, Alcoholism '65

The walk from the station establishes the context for this first biennial: hoardings and lightboxes promote Coventry’s bid to be the UK’s City of Culture in 2021. In parallel the council has promised ten years of support for cultural growth regardless of the bid’s outcome. For artists and curators in the city, here was an opportunity, not just to take stock of what has recently been achieved, the partnerships already instigated, but to begin plotting the parts they will play in the years to come. Review by Kit Webb

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Warwick Arts Centre, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Rd, Coventry, West Midlands CV4 7AL

Fierce Festival, Chris Goode and Company: Weaklings


I am greeted by the following sign when I arrive: ‘‘Weaklings’ performance contains scenes of a sexual nature and content that some viewers may find disturbing’. I can’t wait! I don’t leave the house for anything less. Review by Leo Francisco

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