New Art Exchange Nottingham, 19 June 2015

A Place to Dance? Session 2: A Provocation by Dr Jonathan Hale

A provocation by Dr Jonathan Hale, architect and Associate Professor and Reader in Architecture Theory at the University of Nottingham.

“For most architects, seeing the words ‘place’ and ‘dance’ in the same sentence is already something of a provocation. Does architecture have something to learn from the ways in which dance makes places for itself? And in this new ‘expanded field’ of urban and rural place-making do the two disciplines of dance and architecture need to recalibrate their relationships?” - Dr Jonathan Hale

Jonathan discusses the relationship between the body and the environment with artists and choreographers including Simone Kenyon, Gabriele Reuter, Ann-Marie Culhane, Ruth Levene and Suzannah Bedford, Creative Director of The Renewal Trust, Nottingham.

This session is part of A Place To Dance? - a series of provocations happening from 18 - 21 June, about where is a place to dance. Over the course of four days, you will experience dialogue, debate and performance looking at dance placed outside of traditional spaces.


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