Louise Blouin Foundation, 3 Olaf Street, London, W11 4BE

  • The October Issue  Chris Burden, Folkert de Jong
    Title : The October Issue Chris Burden, Folkert de Jong
  • The October Issue  John Bock
    Title : The October Issue John Bock
  • The October Issue  Matthew Collings and Jake and Dinos Chapman
    Title : The October Issue Matthew Collings and Jake and Dinos Chapman
  • The October Issue  Torsten Laushmann and Marc Camille Chaimowicz
    Title : The October Issue Torsten Laushmann and Marc Camille Chaimowicz

EDITING AN ART MAGAZINE HAS MUCH IN common with curating a group show: each entails selecting artists and their work, weaving conceptual threads, collaborating with designers to produce an eye-catching visual flow, and establishing a rhythm to the display.
Having noted this congruence, we asked ourselves what an issue of Modern Painters might look like in the three-dimensional format of an exhibition. ‘The October Issue’ is the realization of that thought experiment. While we weren’t able to include works by every artist in the magazine, we have, with these works, tried to reproduce each of its sections.
Designed by the award-winning architects Carmrody Groarke this exhibition will include areas curated by writers, artworks by artists featured and reviewed in the magazine and in an effort to faithfully reflect the publication, blowups of the advertisements, as well a series of talks and events to further expand on the content.
Highlights include John Bock’s new film Im Schatten der Made (In the Shadow of the Maggot), a twisted love story styled after 1920s German Expressionist films and recently premiered at Anton Kern Gallery, New York; a sculptural installation by Dutch artist Folkert de Jong; Matthew Collings’s Facebook Art School, featuring Jake and Dinos Chapman and a film of the making of Chris Burden’s Metropolis II, a massive kinetic sculpture that circulates a thousand-plus toy cars on an interminable loop.

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