Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Ave New York, NY 10065

  • Installation view of “An Occupation of Loss” a new performance and installation work by Taryn Simon, on view at Park Avenue Armory from Sept 13-25, 2016 Image Naho Kubota
    Title : Installation view of “An Occupation of Loss” a new performance and installation work by Taryn Simon, on view at Park Avenue Armory from Sept 13-25, 2016 Image Naho Kubota

Text by James Smith

An Occupation of Loss is a new monolithic commission by artist Taryn Simon premiering in New York with plans to subsequently tour to London. Simon is generally known for her photographic and sculptural work that seeks to illuminate and unpack unknown places, histories and political structures. With this new work she to continues to mine in this theme, albeit in different materials and at a vastly different scale.

On arriving at the Park Avenue Armoury audience members were lead into a discreet side entrance via a set of stairs that lead one to a balcony overlooking, what looked like, 11 vast concrete grey chimney-like columns arranged in a crescent, each with a ramp and door leading up to them. At that moment, and before descending to the floor, a series of shadowy figures took up position inside the structures. Audience members were then invited to explore the space and most specifically to spend time inside these structures with the performers. Each of the performers was professionals lamenters or mourner from their home country. Some performers wail with covered faces whilst others chant; each one with their own haunting beauty - as a sound work it is profoundly moving. The experience, although being aware that this was all staged - and perhaps because one was in such close proximity to each performer- is deeply effecting. With no specific loss or death being described or articulated the work becomes a lament to the all death, all loss across the world; both personal and at a community level - a heart felt cry for all of humanity. A grand, ambitious but successful artistic gesture.

After an indeterminate amount of time a shutter rattles open and once again the hurly-burly of New York street life is revealed.

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