KOMPLOT, 295, Avenue Van Volxemlaan B-1190 Brussels

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Splash, Can And Cock: Jakup Auce and Carl Palm
KOMPLOT, 295, Avenue Van Volxemlaan B-1190 Brussels
30 October 2013 - 15 March 2014
Douglas Park and Alberto García del Castillo

Splash, Can And Cock is an art exhibition posed as a display. It plays with the light and the interior/exterior relations. Pieces seem to lay behind the glass to be enjoyed by the passer-bys. Illuminated from the inside, the pieces create warmth, and question the setting of any shop window or private space open to outside viewing. Every year Komplot proposes a window showcase for the winter season to catch the eye of the accidental audience.

Jakup Auce’s new work (Kimberly Clark, 2013) was created for the occasion, while Carl Palm’s piece (Plage de Bureau, 2013) has been travelling for the last months; both of them met in Brussels in this period leading up to Christmas.

Jakup Auce. DecoYration by Douglas Park:

Desperate need suddenly cured, by fast arrival of unexpected but welcome and beneficial challenge.

Fuel, medicine, rescue and salvation cause and supply’ Megalith constellation. Decentralized nervous-systems over- load and short-circuit. Yet, instead of fatigue, breakdown and obsolescence, they enact self-service vivisection and mutual atom-splitting; before inflicting cellular invisible-mending puncture repairs and surgical joinery, onto themselves and each other.

Roadworks-in-progress test-laboratory conditions, equipment and activity stand in for finalized terminal commodity. Skin-deep promotional showroom display window-dressing façade protects any and every what, who and where is clandestine and incognito within and beyond.

Seemingly futile struggling and attempts at speech become ignorable, so it all passes unnoticed; only to exert much wider and more long-term influence and effect, elsewhere and later on.

Hi-tech, space age and sci-fi beauty treatment and cosmetic products all own, control and use modest sensors; component-fixtures, that in reality serve as invincible limbs, as well as being omnipotent perception-inlets.

Main concern is combative-tournament and rivalry-contest race and battle, towards equality, for harmony. Memory, charisma, portraiture and statuary become hyperactive life forms in their very own right.

Altogether, combined efforts provide generator and power station; source, birth, manufacture, broadcast, transmission and enforcement of asleep and awake daylight and nighttime climates and regime.

Carl Palm. Cocktail Blanket by Alberto García del Castillo:

The ‘splash’ of this set-up is the swimming-pool-towel for a Belgian giant, hanging on the drying cord. The blanket to cuddle by the lakeside is a survivor hut by the forest. A ‘trompe-l’oeil’ print on the wall might remind you getting drunk during your last holidays by the French Mediterranean coast under a warm night; and if you want to save on heating, unroll a Persian carpet on your living room. The kitchen is open, the table is set.

‘27 MAY 00.00-08.00 all nights until 3 JUNE 00.00-08.00 2013, S. Marco 865, 30124, Venezia’ is the invitation to a clandestine bar inside an apartment rent during the opening week of the Biennial, and Plage de Bureau was an advertisement poster before becoming this ‘table-beach’. It tried a second attempt to attract liquor drinkers in Switzerland, but the art fair rained on its parade. This is packed and vacuumed and plastic-wrapped to be a flying rocket from Stockholm to Brussels.

The evenings at home sewing a patchwork of pastels and adding a tiny bit of an Adidas sport-trouser. A poem to ‘Sebastian Rozenberg’, ‘Olle Eriksson’, ‘Petter Lehto’ and ‘Lina Bjerneld’ and the gathering of friends before the festivities.

By night we dance around the fire, throwing bills in the air, the happiness of a profitable working day by the sea.

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