Royal Academy Schools Call for Applications

The Royal Academy Schools is a contemporary school of art based in central London, offering a free programme of postgraduate study. There are up to 17 places available each year and applications are now open for autumn 2016 entry.

The programme:

• Three years of full-time, studio-based study

• No fees, bursaries available

• Small cohort in a highly participative environment

• The RA Schools is independent, allowing the freedom to inflect its programme to the needs of current students

• A contemporary school of art at the heart of a historic organisation with a strong community of artists

International applications welcome

The RA Schools is looking for applicants who want to form part of a group of motivated individuals whose aim is to develop artwork in an environment of discourse and investigation. Versatility and dialogue are valued; the programme attracts individuals with distinct, diverse artistic identities who wish to develop and exchange ideas.

Download the prospectus to find out more

Closing date for UK and EU applicants: 1 December

International candidates are asked to complete an initial application by 30 October

Apply now

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