Thkio Ppalies Artist-led Project Space, 2B Kissamou Palouriotissa, Nicosia 1040, Cyprus

  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery
  • The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Artist : Phanos Kyriacou
    Title : The Adventures of a Giant Midget, Installation View
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the gallery

Phanos Kyriacou

Thkio Ppalies Artist-led Project Space, Cyprus

‘From the Press Release’

Elegance; a first instance of curiosity. Sapience; always at play with incompletion, ongoing. Navigate and intervene, problem-solve. Exercise science in its most primitive rational sense, un-Enlightened and in-Human. Stretch time, meditate, perceive and fondle, like there is no tomorrow. Activate empirico-empyreal possibilities between self and world, profoundly stripped of any meaning. A giant midget, disciplined to make sense only of non-sense.

Phanos Kyriacou presents a collection of videos exposing his methodology as an artist and thinker. An inner laboratory is externalised showcasing processes practised by him daily.

Text by Peter Eramian

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