Casey Kaplan, 525 West 21st Street, New York, NY 10011

  • Boneyard
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Boneyard
    Date(s) : 2013
    Material : Paper cutouts, wood, glue
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Exhibition view
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Exhibition view
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Exhibition view
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Exhibition view
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Boneyard
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Boneyard
    Date(s) : 2013
    Material : Paper cutouts, wood, glue
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Boneyard
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Boneyard
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Exhibition view
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Exhibition view
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Boneyard
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Boneyard
    Date(s) : 2013
    Material : Paper cutouts, wood, glue
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Exhibition view
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Exhibition view
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Exhibition view
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Exhibition view
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Plucker
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Plucker
    Date(s) : 2014
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery
  • Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been; I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell
    Artist : Geoffrey Farmer
    Title : Look in my face; my name is Might-have-been; I am also called No-more, Too-late, Farewell
    Date(s) : 2013
    Material : Computer generated algorithmic montage sequence
    Website :
    Credit : Courtesy the artist and Casey Kaplan Gallery

Geoffrey Farmer: Cut nothing, cut parts, cut the whole, cut the order of time

Casey Kaplan, New York

‘From the press release’

Let’s create an orchestra, silent, spread wide and flat.

Kathy Acker rang my head like a bell.

It happened sometime in the spring of 1990, while she was reading out loud, a passage to our class from Gertrude Stein’s 1914 book Tender Buttons.

I had just read it myself and thought little of it. In fact I clearly remember not liking it.

The book is comprised of three parts: Objects, Food and Rooms. I didn’t understand what any of the passages had to do with any of the subjects that they were listed under. When Kathy read, she did so simply, without sentiment and with a New York accent that delivered the words with matter-of-factness.

She was sitting at the end of a long conference table at the San Francisco Art Institute, and I was with half of the class, looking out through the window at Alcatraz, our backs facing the wall with the then entombed painting, The Rose (1958-1966) by Jay Defeo.

Kathy read:

“The care with which the rain is wrong and the green is wrong and the white is wrong, the care with which there is a chair and plenty of breathing. The care with which there is incredible justice and likeness, all this makes a magnificent asparagus, and also a fountain.”

Then the sound of a bell.

“The care with which the rain is wrong and the green is wrong and the white is wrong…”

I’m thinking about this now, in New York, while I look out at the rain from the circular window of my hotel room.

Geoffrey Farmer.

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