Statens Museum for Kunst, National Gallery of Denmark, Sølvgade 48-50 DK-1307, København Denmark

  • FOS1
    Title : FOS1
  • FOS2
    Title : FOS2
  • FOS4
    Title : FOS4
  • FOS7
    Title : FOS7
  • FOS8
    Title : FOS8
  • FOS9
    Title : FOS9

In the installation, you embark on a twisted and strange journey through a tent and grid-like structures over uneven floors and past sophiticated street lamps and display cases with strange objects. You also experience a soap factory on a clay hill and a very special machine.
FOS is concerned about how our social relationships and physical environment mutually influence each other. In other words, your presence affects the work, but conversely, you could not go unchallenged through it. FOS believes namely that art can create a space that allows for other experiences, other acts and maybe even other ways of thinking.

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