kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Sporta iela 2 LV-1013, Rīga, Latvia

  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu
  • Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Title : Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,, installation view at kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Riga, 2016
    Credit : Photo by Toan Vu-Huu

Daiga Grantiņa: Heap-core,,,

kim? Contemporary Art Centre, Rīga

2 September - 16 October 2016

From the press release

Heap-core,,, is Paris-based artist Daiga Grantiņa’s first solo-exhibition in Riga. The expression integrated in the title refers to the outward direction of formal (hard-core) motion, accumulated somewhere in the inner core. The exhibition hall will be transformed into a site-specific installation, where openings made around the perimeter of the surrounding wall will conduct light tunnels from windows hidden from view, integrating light as a material into the body of sculptures.

Guided Tour is a newspaper edition - conceived as a collaboration between artist Daiga Grantiņa, writer Mary Rinebold Copeland and graphic designer Toan Vu-Huu - that will be available throughout the exhibition. Guided Tour is Angela. For instance, she aspires to be an early riser; one of those up-with-the-sun types who accomplishes a lot in the small hours, before the rest of us look at the time on phones that light up our faces beneath sweaty sheets. But the truth is, Angela wakes up late. Late enough to screw up the rest of your day. A domino effect of lateness. Coexisting with both the start, and its middle. Also, she stays away from mirrors.

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