Nosbaum & Reding 4, rue Wiltheim L-2733 Luxembourg


13.03.2014 - 10.05.2014

Review by Egle Kulbokaite

It seems as if without rhyme or reason her mood has changed and she started with no joke, beach boys alu trip tip triple legged high on frozen tides continuing on rhyming through the titles of the works. chatty paws slips up in smokes is both an exhibition title of Swedish artist Carl Palm’s display of work at Nosbaum Reding Projects in Luxembourg as well as the title of a ten work long poem in a personalized verse, in rap style that leads her through the exhibition space.

With the poem in hands she moves through the space into and out of works; ten objects rather unfortunately separated into two groups by a wall divide correspond and talk to one another as one sound flowing and immersing into other sounds. rhymes lime light nights in on mights, one man dinner kites, 2012 is one of the four casted bronzes displayed just upon entering, while then follows no joke, beach boys alu trip tip triple legged high on frozen tides, 2014 beach-casted aluminum table, welded chain portrait of a friend gone, three handmade embroidered blankets and a lazer-cut carpet stolen of the walls of the Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius in December of 2013.

She sees works synchronized into a language of a story, which reflects well on Palm’s work that always points somewhere else, generating content without possessing it, acknowledging the context and presence of the other pieces in the show. The rhyme is an embodiment of Palm’s engagement in a variety of working materials from textile to bronze; aside from these, there develops an excitement about the realm of curating. This interest reveals itself through the map of the potential show embroidered onto the wall-buttoned peach blanket titled stolen gems Stefanie’s name peach bleached into glass face as cocktail trees, 2014. The blanket houses a show of works received as a return gift or favor from the artists Carl Palm has assisted before, i.e. Palm imagines Ibon Aranberri bringing onto the blanket a blue abstracted form of a chimney top called a dancer or ballerina and stitches it as embroidery on blanket’s surface. This way, Palm’s work rhymes with that of Shahryar Nashat an artist of his generation who is as much invested in the questions of the correlations between the artists and the production of art.

She picks out of the pocket the bunch of coins she discovered this morning in your pocket and they summarize yesterday night’s fast drinking. She sees an animate object of balmy color in the middle of the space. With the combination of lilac blanket of a detective dream and a chain sculpture of human form under the title chain gain trouble in vain, boa pay in rain, jelly fish dish yella well a, 2014 Palm exposes the idea of works constantly in progress and of works as tools towards the production of new objects or shows. She then would be sitting, leaning, resting her back towards the bronze rhymes lime light nights in on mights, one man dinner kites, 2012, thinking and rhyming into the new possibilities of creating.


Nosbaum Reding Projects is a curatorial program of exhibitions attached to Nosbaum Reding, showcasing young art from around the world. Curated by Alberto Garci’a del Castillo, the programme will regularly host guest curators, starting with the Polish Agata Jastrzabek on the occasion of the next group exhibition opening in May, titled Strawberry Sausages (Jakup Auce, Wojciech Bakowski, Dorota Jurczak, Fabian Marti, Wobbe Micha, Kenneth Andrew Mroczec, Monsieur Pimpant, Agnieszka Polska).

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